Our Vision

Bay Area Youth Pride’s mission is to create a safe space for queer youth to celebrate Pride. The San Francisco Bay Area has a rich history of queer culture and activism, and it is home to one of the world’s most iconic Pride parades—a celebration of identity, community, and self-expression. However, traditional Pride events are organized by and for adults, and they are often overwhelming and unwelcoming to LGBTQ+ youth. We believe that everyone should have a space to celebrate and explore their identities, and to bond with members of their own community.

Bay Area Youth Pride 2021, our inaugural event, was held virtually, with over eighty registered attendees. In our main program, we hosted seminars with local LGBTQ+ activists and artists, and showcased creative works produced by youth from all over the Bay Area. We also held a separate Zoom call for media clubs and socialization.

During the July-December season, we’re focusing on school outreach and raising funds for an in-person 2022 event. We’re also working on becoming a registered nonprofit organization.