Bay Pride 2022

An event where participants met other queer youth in the Bay Area, talked with guest speakers, and played

games together!

Event Details


Bay Pride 2022 was on June 17th, from 3 PM to 5 PM, for queer youth in the Bay Area! Participants met other LGBTQ+ youth and share experiences and listened to guest speakers. There were plenty of games, activities, and social rooms for participants to relax and have fun! We also had gallery submissions, which can be viewed here.

Take a look at the event program here.

We hosted a great event!


  • Meet other LGBTQ youth.

    At Bay Pride, participants had the opportunity to meet other LGBTQ youth in the Bay Area. They shared their experiences and talked about ideas to improve LGBTQ life in the Bay Area!

  • Talk with guest speakers.

    We invited guest speakers from organizations throughout the Bay Area, and they talked about LGBTQ-related topics prevalent in our community.

  • Play games.

    We planned an exciting event, with fun games and activities hosted by our team. There was a Kahoot and other fun games, as well as social rooms.