
Submission Guidelines

Bay Area Youth Pride 2025 will feature artwork, writing, performances, speeches, and more from LGBTQ+ youth in the Bay Area and beyond. If you are an LGBTQ+ creator under the age of 21, we would love to hear your voice at the event!

To submit your work to be presented at BAY Pride, please read through the following guidelines and submit your work using the forms linked below. You may make as many submissions as you like. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or the submission process, please email us.

Audition Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all filmed performances, both live and recorded. These include but are not limited to: music (sung and/or instrumental), dance, drag, acting, musical theater, and spoken-word poetry. These guidelines do NOT apply to animated videos or speeches.

Performances will be scheduled during the main program of the livestreamed synchronous event (date TBD). You may choose either to perform live or to pre-record your performance to be played during the event. You may also choose whether you would like your performance to be published on this website, and whether you would like it to be kept indefinitely or deleted after one year.

Your video audition should be a trial run of your performance. High production quality is not necessary, so long as the audition clearly demonstrates your talents. If you do not intend to perform live during the synchronous event, you may submit the final version of your performance as an audition, but you are not required to. Pieces of any length will be accepted for consideration.

In order to submit your audition, upload the video to YouTube, Dropbox, or Google Drive (publicly shareable by link).

If your performance includes lyrics, a script, or any other spoken component, please include a transcript with your audition. The transcript should be a text file uploaded to Dropbox or made shareable by link on Google Drive.

Your performance may contain material that was written, composed, or choreographed by someone else, provided that you credit them and that the performance itself is your own original work. Please do not include any brand promotion within the work itself. There will be an option for us to promote you alongside your performance.

Please remember that this event is made for people under 21, so please keep your submission appropriate for middle and high schoolers. Do not include any hate speech, discriminatory messages, excessive profanity, or inappropriately violent or sexual content. The BAY Pride Program Committee reserves the right to reject submissions for any reason.

The Program Committee will process submissions as they come in. We’ll contact you to let you know if your audition is selected, and to explain your next steps. We can’t wait to see what you send in!

Gallery Guidelines

These guidelines apply to image and text submissions. These include but are not limited to: visual artwork (traditional, digital, sculptural, craft, etc.), animations, narratives, essays, and poetry.

Gallery submissions will be published on this website in the week leading up to the event. You may choose whether you would like your work to be kept indefinitely or deleted after one year.

Your gallery submission should be the final version of the artwork or writing which you would like to appear on this website. Your submission should be your original creative work. Please do not include any brand promotion within the work itself. There will be an option for us to promote you alongside your work.

In order to submit to the gallery, upload the image/text file to Dropbox, or Google Drive (publicly shareable by link).

Please remember that this event is made for people under 21, so please keep your submission appropriate for middle and high schoolers. Do not include any hate speech, discriminatory messages, excessive profanity, or inappropriately violent or sexual content. The BAY Pride Program Committee reserves the right to reject submissions for any reason.

The Program Committee will process further submissions as they come in. We’ll contact you to let you know if your work is selected for the gallery, and to explain your next steps. We can’t wait to see what you send in!